作者: 董继平
It was clear to us that the real owners of the hotel were spiders.They were everywhere but you had to look carefully. They had ingenious ways of disguising themselves,except for the clerk at the check-in desk. He was clearly a spider, a pale pink translucent spider, a kindly one.In fact,in my experience,all the spiders in the hotel were benevolent. One stroked my brow as I lay in bed trying to sleep. Another kept flies off of my eggs in the morning. Many of the guests I saw in the lobby seemed to me inhuman, or at least toothless and drained of their blood.It was a convention of some kind,button makers, astronomers, comedians,florists, prison guards,lamplighters, editors, whatever, and they were having a very good time. The desk-spider and the door-spider eyed them proudly.
There wasn’t a light on in the place at that time of night.I walked around in back and tried the door.Of course it was locked.There was a thick vine growing up the side of the building, so I tried climbing that.I was almost up when it started to wobble and detach itself from the building. I came crashing down and cut my forehead and arms. I found a fire escape in front and climbed that. I broke into the second-story window and was amazed to find stacks and stacks of photo albums and files overflowing on the floor.I tumed on a light,though I knew the dangers of that. There seemed to be no order to anything. I pulled up a chair and picked up an album-children on ponies in cowboy outfits, children holding fish they caught, birthday cakes, parties, swings, dances, no end to the fascination with children, but somehow they all seemed to be a part of the same childhood. Then there was the album of the near-dead, breathing tubes, feeding bags, the glazed, faraway looks of the nearly departed.In the Memory Palace nothing is lost,just misplaced.I spent most of the night there until I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open. While going through the many albums devoted to young lovers, I suddenly froze.There was a photo of my mother and father, badly faded, barely twenty years old, perhaps not even married yet, holding hands and smiling into the camera, the world holding back its fury for one brief second, giving them their moment of sunshine, so fragile and tenuous.I removed the photo from its pocket and stuck it in mine. I went to the window and looked down.An old man in a uniform stood there. “Come on down, son, we’re going to have to arrest you,”he said.“But, officer, I’m an old man,” I said.“The Memory Palace has no memory. See, it just doesn't care,” he said.