
作者: 董继平 译

达里奥作品 0

鲁文·达里奥(Ruben Dario,1867-1916),尼加拉瓜著名诗人。拉丁美洲现代主义诗歌的创始人之一。他3岁时开始阅读,12岁就开始发表诗作,后来游历拉美各国,早年在智利出版第一部诗集《蓝》,反映出他早期“为艺术而艺术”的倾向,但很快就被认为是拉丁美洲文学新时代的先驱。19世纪90年代初,他在布宜诺斯艾利斯领导并发起了现代主义文学运动,影响颇大。在20世纪初担任过外交官,出任过尼加拉瓜驻法国大使。他最重要的3部诗集是《蓝》(1888)、《亵渎的散文》(1896)和《生命与希望之歌》(1905)。

























It is raining—black clouds across the azure sky, hiding the sun, that light which, illuminating and warming bodies, warms and illuminates souls.

It is cold; the day is dark. There is cold in the heart, too, and snow in the soul.

Raw winter, with its snows and the north wind that lashes, withers flowers.

In winter, the days are dark as nights.

In the tomb, there is eternal night.

When there is sweet sadness, we sleep, and then we dream and the dreams are rosy.

In the tomb, where we shall also sleep, what, oh God!will the dreams be like?

And when we awaken, we smile at the memory of the delights we saw in our sleep. Then, we frown and our eyes darken, for we meet reality—the dreams were only dreams.

In the tomb, shall we not awake? Do wounding realities not come, after forged illusions? Is there no flowery perfume, stars’ gleam, dawn’s light, angelic laughter, celestial warmth in the spirit? Oh! surely souls do not have winter fogs, withered flowers, clouds that hide the stars, mists that shatter little boats, thorns or roses for the heart, brambles that tear the feathers off innocent doves.

In this world, after the warmth of the sun in the day and the silvery gleams of the moon, the luminous light of the stars, and sweet whispers on spring and summer nights, comes winter—winter that brings cold and withers flowers and illusions, and with them, life!

Winter is sad, it is gloomy for those who have no warmth to comfort the body, no gay illusions to animate the soul.

But blessèd art thou, old winter, when we hear the rain fall slowly, and the dense fog surrounds us and the cold comes with that idle ache that steals over us even as, wrapped in soft furs, in the soul we feel the light that Nature lacks, and in the heart, the spring so far away.

We hear the birds sing, the bees buzz, see the lilies totter on their graceful stalks, breathe the perfume of heliotropes and jasmines, hear the murmur of the breeze in the tall trees, and see the pearly dew that wets the green grass. All that, within our hearts.

Is there snow?

Welcome! How white that rain of swan’s feathers is!

Is it cold?

We do not feel it. Within our breast there is a fire that gives life, heat, light.

Are all things musty, the roses dry and withered, the trees bare of leaves?

The soul is smiling. In the soul there are flowers whose perfume intoxicates; in the soul, divine plants sprout, grow, and are beautiful; in the soul there is music, harmony, poems that give life, while with eyes half closed we dream and are able to see, behind the gray mantle of the sky, the rose and azure of the dawn, with its soft twilight smile.

It is cold and it is snowing and it is raining. To the theater, to the ball, where a thousand lights are shining! In fireplaces, fires burn; music echoes triumphantly; and in the midst of playful laughter, couples dance dizzying waltzes, while dreams whirl and flutter like mad butterflies. Eyes gleam black and deep, or azure and tender, and pink lips murmur sweet nothings. And we listen to the rain fall, and in the light of street lamps we see the snow fall like a silver coverlet, and we say to ourselves: “How beautiful! Yes, the winter is very beautiful!”

How dreadful, though, when we feel it in our heart, and it reigns within our soul, and it brings the cold that kills. And the winter passes, and spring returns, yet winter remains.

But when the roses do not wither, and butterflies still flutter in our dream-garden, it is lovely to watch the roofs turn white, see the trees bare of leaves and the sky leaden. Gay, the rhythmic sound of rain caresses our ear.

Blessed art thou, old winter!

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