作者: 董继平 译雷伊·冈萨雷斯(Ray Gonzalez,1952- ),美国著名诗人,生于得克萨斯,担任过《布鲁姆斯伯里评论》诗歌编辑,1998年创办诗刊《月亮》,后在明尼苏达大学执教。他的诗集主要有《到达者的热》(1997)、《卡巴托·森托拉》(2000)、《龟图》(2000)、《大山上的鹰之神庙》(2002)、《考虑吉他:新诗选》(2005)、《美丽的墙》(2015)、《切割铁丝网》(2018)等;论文集有《地下的心:回归隐匿的风景》(2002);非虚构作品有《记忆的狂热》(1999);另有短篇小说集两部。此外,他还编纂过12种诗文选。他先后获得过多种文学奖。
蝙 蝠
The bat loved my belly button. It flew out of it when the caverns were no longer enough. Thousands of other bats ignored me, while my bat ate my thoughts and carried them south to the mountains where Cochise, the Apache, painted his face to resemble the flat-nosed rattler. My bat made it back into my hands that night, its beeping reminding me I left my jump rope in the shower, the sweat and pounds lifting higher than the line of bats encircling my car. When I went to bed that night, something motioned to me to start running because the bat that loved my belly button knew more about my body than I did. When the cloud of bats disappeared by morning, I found my lone bat crushed on the road, tire tracks lining its wings to resemble lifelines on the palms.
Bending down to pick up a piece of paper, I hear a sound coming out of my ears. Looking up, the skin glows as if I am wrong and the day will settle its differences, bring its strings to me. Straight and quiet, the wood is carved until the unknown friend holds it. I am alive to see this. When the chord is invented, I move over, let him sit next to me. He has something on his face. His fingers cannot be seen. There is no blue moment to define. It is entirely arranged to sound as if a day has opened and I have been let in. And it is always a burned blue city I find inside the tiny flask in my hands.
蜗 牛
There are many of them now. Is it easy to wait in the cellar? I can feel your answer it is difficult to breathe. When the doors are open again, no one will remember who we were. What are the words to shade our eyes? When we spoke, there were orchards and meadows, one fallen tree. Someone gave us a drink of water, a tiny seed, the assumption there is a music that we cannot hear. There are nights when the snails appear, moving slowly in darkness, disappearing in the tomato plants we grew before we couldn’t see. How many windows did you close after the explosion,before the dead made decisions for you? I can’t find the mind that knows what I am thinking,can’t recall where I left my rosary with the worn beads, its broken chain spilling black dots to mark a journey for snails, this necklace for a silence crawling into the leaves.
Stung by a huge flying beetle, I pinch it off my arm and throw the gray thing against the wall, its hard shell clicking on the bricks, breaking into marbles of hunger that roll onto the grass, twitching like buried smoke I stepped on when I gave in to lesser stars that fell without harm. I rub my arm as the red hole swells into a flute of skin, my lungs growing shorter as I sit on the grass, wait for the poison to hit my pounding heart,bring me the age of symmetrical beauty - burning dust I breathe to imagine the primary colors glowing on the bridge. Stung by a buzzing that crashed into my arm,I sit low to the ground,whisper to the red fox that crossed my path during my walk,its sudden appearance taking me to the remains of animals hidden in the dark,its bushy tail glimmering in the moonlight, its silent warning staying ahead of a fever I am going to love.