
作者: 董继平 译

邓萨尼勋爵(Lord Dunsany,1878-1957),爱尔兰作家、剧作家,原名爱德华·约翰·摩顿·拉克斯·普朗克特,为爱尔兰某贵族家族第18代传人,“邓萨尼勋爵”为其笔名。他以创作奇幻作品而闻名,被尊为“现代奇幻文学的奠基人之一”。他笔耕不辍,奇幻作品众多,主要有《裴伽纳的诸神》《时间与诸神》《梦者故事》《奇迹之书》等作品集,其作品短小精悍,颇具现代寓言的启发性,对后世的奇幻作家产生过深远的影响。









As the poet passed the thorn-tree the blackbird sang.

“How ever do you do it?” the poet said, for he knew bird language.

“It was like this,” said the blackbird. “It really was the most extraordinary thing. I made that song last Spring, it came to me all of a sudden. There was the most beautiful she-blackbird that the world has ever seen. Her eyes were blacker than lakes are at night, her feathers were blacker than the night itself, and nothing was as yellow as her beak; she could fly much faster than the lightning. She was not an ordinary she-blackbird, there has never been any other like her at all. I did not dare go near her because she was so wonderful. One day last Spring when it got warm again—it had been cold, we ate berries, things were quite different then, but Spring came and it got warm—one day I was thinking how wonderful she was and it seemed so extraordinary to think that I should ever have seen her, the only really wonderful she-blackbird in the world, that I opened my beak to give a shout, and then this song came, and there had never been anything like it before, and luckily I remembered it, the very song that I sang just now. But what is so extraordinary, the most amazing occurence of that marvellous day, was that no sooner had I sung the song than that very bird, the most wonderful she-blackbird in the world, flew right up to me and sat quite close to me on the same tree. I never remember such wonderful times as those.”

“Yes, the song came in a moment, and as I was saying....”

And an old wanderer walking with a stick came by and the blackbird flew away, and the poet told the old man the blackbird's wonderful story.

“That song new?”said the wanderer. “Not a bit of it. God made it years ago. All the blackbirds used to sing it when I was young. It was new then.”








The poet came unto a great country in which there were no songs. And he lamented gently for the nation that had not any little foolish songs to sing to itself at evening.

And at last he said:“I will make for them myself some little foolish songs so that they may be merry in the lanes and happy by the fireside.” And for some days he made for them aimless songs such as maidens sing on the hills in the older happier countries.

Then he went to some of that nation as they sat weary with the work of the day and said to them:“I have made you some aimless songs out of the small unreasonable legends, that are somewhat akin to the wind in the vales of my childhood; and you may care to sing them in your disconsolate evenings.”

And they said to him:“If you think we have time for that sort of nonsense nowadays you cannot know much of the progress of modern commerce.”

And the poet wept for he said:“Alas! They are damned.”





When the advertiser saw the cathedral spires over the downs in the distance, he looked at them and wept.

“If only,”he said, “this were an advertisement of Beefo, so nice, so nutritious, try it in your soup, ladies like it.”

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