作者: 董继平 译
玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood,1939- ),加拿大著名小说家、诗人,生于渥太华,曾在多伦多大学和哈佛大学学习,毕业后当过市场调查员、出纳员,后来在大学任教。她从1956年开始文学创作,迄今已出版了诗集《圆圈游戏》《那个国家的动物》《苏珊娜·穆迪的日记》《你是快乐的》《两头的诗》《真实的故事》《无月期》《焚毁的房子中的早晨》《门》等多部;长篇小说10余部,此外,她还写过不少短篇小说、散文和文学评论。她担任过加拿大作家协会主席,多次获得国际、国内文学奖,还多次被提名为诺贝尔文学奖候选人。
草 莓
The strawberries when I first remember them are not red but blue, that blue flare, before the white hot part of the wire, sun glancing from the points of waves. It was the heat that made things blue like that, rage, I went into the waste orchard because I did not want to talk to you or even see you, I wanted instead to do something small and useful that I was good at. It was June, there were mosquitoes, I stirred them up as I pushed aside the higher stems, but I didn’t care, I was immune, all that adrenalin kept them away, and if not I was in the mood for minor lacerations. I don’t get angry like that anymore. I almost miss it.
I’d like to say I saw everything through a haze of red; which is not true. Nothing was hazy. Everything was very clear, clearer than usual, my hands with the stained nails, the sunlight falling on the ground through the apple-tree branches, each leaf, each white five petalled yellow centred flower and conical fine-haired dark red multi-seeded dwarf berry rendering itself in dry flat two dimensional detail, like background foliage by one of the crazier Victorian painters, just before the invention of the camera; and at some time during that hour, though not for the whole hour, I forgot what things were called and saw instead what they are.
I went to the Victory Burlesk twice, or maybe it was only once and one of my friends went the other time and told me about it. I enjoyed it both times. It was considered quite daring for young women to go to such a place, and we thought it was funny; it was almost as funny as church.
You got a stand-up comic,a movie and a man who sang or juggled plates,as well as the strip-tease act. They used a lot of coloured lighting,red and blue and purple. Each girl had a fake name: Miss Take,Miss Behave, Flame Le Rew. I liked the names and the costumes,for their ingenuity, and I liked the more skillful girls,the ones who could twirl tassels or make their bellies or buttocks rotate in a circle. That was before they had to take it all off, there was an art to it, it was almost like the plate juggling. I liked the way they floated in the pools of coloured light, moving as if they were swimming, mermaids behind glass.
One woman began with her back to the audience,the spotlight on her. She was wearing long white gloves and a black evening gown with gauzy black sleeves that looked like membranous wings as she stretched out her arms. She did a lot with her arms and back; but when she finally turned around, she was old. Her face was powdered dead white, her mouth was a bright reddish purple,but she was old. I could feel shame washing through me,it was no longer funny,I didn't want this woman to take off her clothes,I didn’t want to look. I felt that I,not the woman on the stage,was being exposed and humiliated. Surely they would jeer and yell things at her, surely they would feel they had been tricked.
The woman unzipped her black evening gown, slipping it down, and began to move her hips. She smiled with her white mask of a face and her purple mouth, inside her lips her teeth glinted, dull white pebbles, it was a mockery, she didn’t intend it, she knew it, it was a trick of another kind but we didn’t know who was playing it. The trick was that suddenly there was no trick: the body up there was actual, it was aging, it was not floating in the spotlight somewhere apart from us, like us it was caught in time.
The Victory Burlesk went dead. Nobody made a sound.