
作者: 董继平\译


费尔南多·佩索亚(Fernando Pessoa,1888-1935),葡萄牙现代主义诗人,生于里斯本,7岁时随继父前往南非,1905年回到里斯本后从事商业翻译工作,同时为先锋主义文学杂志撰稿,还与一些诗人、作家共同创办了现代主义文刊《俄耳甫斯》,并坚持写作,但直到他去世后,人们才了解到其诗作的价值,因此他也声名大振。除了“费尔南多·佩索亚”外,他还用“阿尔瓦罗·德·坎波斯”“阿尔贝托·卡埃罗”和“里卡多·雷斯”等多个笔名写作,其诗集主要有《费尔南多·佩索亚诗集》《阿尔瓦罗·德·坎波斯诗集》《阿尔贝托·卡埃罗诗集》《里卡多·雷斯颂诗集》,此外,还著有《美学及文学理论和评论集》《哲学读本》等著作。














Everything wearies me, including what doesn’t weary me. My happiness is as painful as my pain.

If only I could be a child sailing paper boats in a cistern on the farm, with a rustic canopy of criss-crossing trellis vines projecting chequers of sunlight and green shade on the shiny dark surface of the shallow water.

There’s a thin sheet of glass between me and life. However clearly I see and understand life, I can’t touch it.

Rationalize my sadness? What for, if rationalization takes effort? Sad people can’t make an effort.

I can’t even renounce those banal acts of life that I so abhor. To renounce is an effort, and I don’t have it in me to make any effort.

How often I regret not being the driver of that car or the coachman of that carriage! Or any imaginary banal Other whose life, because it’s not mine, deliciously fills me with desire for it and fills me with its otherness! If I were one of them, I wouldn’t dread life like a Thing, and the thought of life as a Whole wouldn’t crush the shoulders of my thinking.

My dreams are a stupid shelter, like an umbrella against lightning.

I’m so listless, so pathetic, so short on gestures and acts.

However deeply I delve into myself, all of my dreams’paths lead to clearings of anxiety.

There are times when dreaming eludes even me, an obsessive dreamer, and then I see things in vivid detail. The mist in which I take refuge dissipates. And every visible edge cuts the skin of my soul. Every harsh thing I see wounds the part of me that recognizes its harshness. Every object’s visible weight weighs heavy inside my soul.

It’s as if my life amounted to being thrashed by it.

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I bowed out of life before it began, for not even in dreams did I find it attractive. Dreams themselves wearied me, and this brought me a false, external sensation, as of having come to the end of an infinite road. I overflowed from myself to end up I don’t know where, and that’s where I’ve uselessly stagnated. I’m something that I used to be. I’m never where I feel I am, and if I seek myself, I don’t know who’s seeking me. My boredom with everything has numbed me. I feel banished from my soul.

I observe myself. I’m my own spectator. My sensations pass, like external things, before I don’t know what gaze of mine. I bore myself no matter what I do. All things, down to their roots in mystery, have the colour of my boredom.

The flowers Time gave me were already wilted. The only thing I can do is pluck their petals slowly. And this is so fraught with old age!

The slightest action weighs on me like a heroic deed. The mere idea of a gesture wearies me, as if it were something I actually thought of doing.

I aspire to nothing. Life hurts me. I’m not well where I am nor anywhere else I can think of being.

What would be ideal is to have no more action than the false action of a fountain-to go up so as to fall down in the same place, pointlessly shimmering in the sun and making sound in the silence of the night so that whoever dreams would think of rivers in his dream and smile forgetfully.

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