The Formulation and Adjustment of the Policies of the Communist Party of China to the National
Bourgeois during the War of Liberation(1945-1949)YU Hua-min(4)
Paths of Prosperity and Declining:The Brick Tea Trade of Northern Merchants in Qing
Dynasty LAI Hui-min,WANG Hui-min (21)
An Intellectual Genealogy of “Individuality”: Examination Centered on the Text of John
S.Mill’s “On Liberty”LI Hong-tu(40)
An Exploration of the Nature of the Li(里)System in the Zhou DynastyZANG Zhi-fei(54)
Discipline and Punishment:A Study of the Construction of the Concept of Female Chastity
and Obedience in Han DynastyTIAN Jia-li(67)
Thought of Governing the State and Critical Consciousness of Yongjia(永嘉)School in
Southern Song DynastySHI Jian-xiong, KANG Jie(76)
The Evolution and Characteristics of Foreign Wars in the Third Dynasty of UrLIU Chang-yu(86)
Japanese Exclusion Movement in Brazil and the Enactment of “Two Percent Limit
Clause” in 1934DU Juan(96)
The History Workshop Movement and the Rise and Development of Oral History
in BritainYANG Xiang-yin,LI Jia-jun(107)
The Overshadowed Victory: A Study of the Process of China Signing the Treaty of
Saint-Germain against Austria at the Paris Peace ConferenceYU Ze-zhou (119)
Evolution of the Concept of National Self-Determination in India (1919—1945):
From the Perspective of International SocietySUN Qi-long(133)