
作者: 董继平译

詹姆斯·瑟伯(James Thurber,1894-1961),美国著名作家和漫画家,生于俄亥俄州哥伦布市,1913-1918年在俄亥俄州立大学学习,但不久离开学校,从事报纸工作。1926年,他前往纽约市担任《哥伦布晚邮报》的记者,1927年加入杂志《纽约客》团队,担任主编和撰稿人,发表漫画和寓言,晚年还曾在耶鲁大学执教。他创作了大量散文、随笔、寓言、故事,主要作品集有《我的生活和艰难岁月》《当代寓言集》《十三座钟》《奇异的“0”》《瑟伯嘉年华会》《和罗斯在一起的岁月》等。他多以动物代人,运用幽默的笔调来揭示现代社会中的人生百态。






A Danish stork was in the habit of spending six nights a week out on the town with the boys,drinking and dicing and playing the match game. His wife had never left their nest,which was on a chimney top,since he married her,for he did not want her to get wise to the ways of the male. When he got home,which was usually at four o’clock in the morning——unless the party had gone on to Reuben’s——he always brought her a box of candy and handed it to her together with a stork story,which is the same as a cock-and-bull story.“I’ve been out delivering babies,”he would say.“It’s killing me,but it is my duty to go on.”“Who do you deliver babies for?”she asked one morning.“Human beings,”he said.“A human being cannot have a baby without help from someone. All the other animals can,but human beings are helpless. They depend on the other animals for everything from food and clothing to companionship.”Just then the phone rang and the stork answered it.“Another baby on the way,”he said when he had hung up.“I’ll have to go out again tonight.”So that night he went out again and did not get home until seven-thirty in the morning.“Thish was very special case,”he said,handing his wife a box of candy.“Five girls.”He did not add that the five girls were all blondes in their twenties.

After a while the female stork got to thinking. Her husband had told her never to leave the nest,because the world was full of stork traps,but she began to doubt this. So she flew out into the world,looking and listening. In this way she learned to tell time and to take male talk with a grain of salt; she found out that candy is dandy,as the poet has said,but that licker is quicker; she discovered that the offspring of the human species are never brought into the world by storks. This last discovery was a great blow to her,but it was a greater blow to Papa when he came home the next morning at a quarter to six.“Hello,you phony obstetrician,”said his wife coldly. “How are all the blonde quintuplets today?”And she crowned him with a chimney brick.

MORAL: The male was made to lie and roam,but woman’s place is in the home.







Once upon a time there was a hunter who spent the best years of his life looking for a pink elephant. He looked in Cathay and he looked in Africa; he looked in Zanzibar and he looked in India; but he couldn’t find one. The longer he looked,the more he wanted a pink elephant. He would trample black orchids and he would walk right past purple cows,so intent was he on his quest. Then one day in a far corner of the world he came upon a pink elephant and he spent ten days digging a trap for it and he hired forty natives to help him drive the elephant into the trap. The pink elephant was finally captured and tied up and taken back to America.

When the hunter got home,he found that his farm was really no place for an elephant. It trampled his wife’s dahlias and peonies,it broke his children’s toys,it crushed the smaller animals around the place,and it smashed pianos and kitchen cabinets as if they were berry boxes. One day,when the hunter had had the elephant for about two years,he woke up to find that his wife had left his bed and his children had left his board and all the animals on the estate were dead except the elephant. The elephant was the same as ever except that it had faded. It wasn’t pink any more. It was white.

MORAL: A burden in the bush is worth two on your hands.

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