
作者: 董继平




In order to understand the nature of language you began to paint,thinking that the logic of reference would become evident once youcould settle the quarrels of point, line, and color. I was distractedfrom sliding words along the scales of significance by smoke on mymargin of breath. I waited for the flame, the passage from eye toworld. At dawn, you crawled into bed, exhausted, warning meagainst drawing inferences across blind canvas. I ventured that a linemight represent a tower that would reach the sky, or, on the otherhand, rain falling. You replied that the world was already taking uptoo much space.




As the streets were empty in the early morning, I had made thespaces between words broad enough for a smile which could reflect offthe enamel tower clock. Being late is one of my essential properties.Unthinkable that I should not possess it, and not even on vacation doI deprive myself of its advantages. Nevertheless I cannot recall a timewhen I did not try to hide this by changing the shape of my mouthand appearing breathless. The sky was shading from hesitant to harsh,which was not bound to correspond to any one color or tableau vivant.The climate is rainy, no doubt about it, and ready to draw its curtainover my clauses and conjunctions. But what if I had made the spacestoo wide to reach the next word and the silence.




You told me, if something is not used it is meaningless, andtook my temperature which I had thought to save for a more difficultday. In the mirror, every night, the same face, a bit morethreadbare, a dress worn too long. The moon was out in the cold,along with the restless, dissatisfied wind that seemed to change thelocation of the sycamores. I expected reproaches because I hadmentioned the word love, but you only accused me of stealing yourpencil, and sadness disappeared with sense. You made a ceremonyout of holding your head in your hands because, you said, it couldnot be contained in itself.




At first sight, it did not look like a picture of your body. Anymore than the fog rolling in from the sea, covering and uncoveringthe surface of the river, seemed an extreme. I made excuses for yourhesitation because I thought you wanted to contain everything,unimpaired by spelling errors. Then I saw you were trying to leanagainst the weight of missing words, a wall at the end of the world.But I knew, though it tired me to imagine even a fraction of thedistance, that it continued at least as far as one can run from danger,where two women had been washed up on a delay. Neither words northe rigor of sentences, you said, could stem the steady accelerationof the past.

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