作者: 董继平
大卫·伊格内托(David Ignatow,1914-1997),20世纪美国诗人。1964年以来,先后在美国多所大学教授文学创作,从1948年以来,他出版《诗》(1948)、《温和的举重者》(1955)、《再说一次》(1961)、《人类的形象》(1964)、《面对树木》(1975)、《踏上黑暗》(1978)、《阳光》(1979)、《交谈》(1980)、《对大地低语》(1981)、《让门敞开》(1984)、《投在地面上的影子》(1991)、《尽管日子的朴素:情诗》(1991)、《我有一个名字》(1996)等多部诗集;获得过波林根诗歌奖、古根海姆奖、佛洛斯特金奖、雪莱纪念奖、美国文艺学院诗歌奖、威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯奖、美国诗歌协会奖等重要诗歌奖;1980至1984年间,他担任过美国诗歌协会主席。
Wherever I go I carry the door with me,
opened or closed,depending on what's happening. In the event I am attending a party of friends I’ve known smce childhood, the door remains half open.In the event I attend a meeting to discuss the latest political upset, the door is totally closed,
but I have an ear pressed to it, in case I hear something extraordinary.
In the event I attend a luncheon for business purposes,
such as to obtain a grant,the door remains open. However, the person who is seated opposite me across the desk will not find me at the open door at all.I’ll be down the corridor, hidden in a corner, but he’ll hear me.
And so,
though carrying the door may be an inconvenience and tiring,
if not somewhat bizarre, I'm prepared to defend it as a perfectly normal procedure,
and should you see me straining to carry it,
you could, if you would, lend a hand, putting your pity at rest by putting it to work. Thank you.
He is searching inside his body for the cause of his depression. It’s as if he were searching with his hand from organ to organ in his chest. He can feel depression near his heart but,as he moves ever so cautiously in and around that area to grasp that ache and extract it, nothing comes to hand.
He conceives of it as something living within him illegitimately,and, since he cannot remove it bodily and has addressed his plea to it more than once to remove itself from him, he believes that now he has the right to do it violence, to drown it, and he begins to drink.
He becomes a fog to himself, the heavy mist that rises from his drink in conflict with the inner warmth,and he no longer can detect specific depression. It is now a general fog and that, of course, is as nature can be in unstable conditions. He thinks himself a fact of nature, and he travels unsteadily, as fogs do, from street to street, from house to house and,like fog,finds himself locked out from these houses or hurried past.
It is night.Fog,through which all things must enter and pass, can be dangerous.Vehicles are traveling at high speed,and fog is pierced by lights,by people and by trucks. He is knocked down and crushed. As mountains are shaken and torn down and earth opens, his death too is a phenomenon in nature. Affirmed in his being, he rolls over on his face to die.
For Neruda
Soldiers surround the house of the poet and crouch, their guns poised in his direction, but do not move, held by their awe and fear in his presence. He comes to the window bitterly to look out upon his own people in uniform, with guns pointed at him. Bitterly he stands there and they, crouching, are more deeply silent in the anguish of their taut faces and eyes. He is their poet who speaks for them in his poems, that they have read and heard over and over,swaying to the rhythm of his lines.
He flings open the window where he is standing and shouts,Shoot,shoot me! They recoil in a body, except for one who with speed and reflex of long training at command raises his rifle and pulls the trigger. His comrades bury their faces in their hands.