作者: 董继平
弗朗兹·赖特(Franz Wright,1953 -2015),美国诗人,著名诗人詹姆斯·赖特之子。生于奥地利维也纳,在美国西北部、中西部和加州长大,早年在奥柏林学院学习,后来先后在爱默生学院和其他大学执教。他出版的诗集主要有《夜晚世界和词语之夜》(1993)、《罗尔沙赫氏测验》(1995)、《生活之前》(2001)、《走向马萨葡萄园岛》(2003)、《上帝的沉默》(2006)、《惠林汽车旅馆》(2009)、《儿童死亡森林》(2011)、《F》(2013)等。他获得过“普利策诗歌奖”( 2004)等多种文学奖。此外,他还翻译过勒内·夏尔、埃里卡·佩德雷蒂和里尔克等诗人、作家的作品。
If I stare into it long enough,
the point comes when I don’t know what it’s called,
a condition in which lacerations are liable to occur,
like a slip of the tongue; when a single drop of blood might billow in a glass of water, blooming in velvet detonation and imparting to it the colorless, tasteless, and sourceless fear in which I wake.
Wisteria rain, where is your child-mother? This must be the last bee on earth. So, you find no more grandeur or mystery here? Perhaps you neglected to bring any. Heckling sparrows, vast electron cloud of gnats on windless water. Night blue volume in a language no one reads……Are we tired yet? Are you finished debating the blind who insist that light doesn’t exist,and have proof of it? Nobody’s alone, God is alone. If you liked being born, you’ll love dying.
Hive of the single unknown astronomically large but precise number of words that begin reappearing the moment I enter,slowly developing on their closed pages. And check this out, clearly we’ve reverted to the honor system, nobody manning the desks, and in all of this gigantic building not a single staff member to be found.No readers either.Has it been that long? And if no one has the desire to peruse these words ever again,it is so strange-where did they all go? Even those grim recluse cobwebby beings you could always count on,
gone. And one can't help but wonder, what is he up to these days, grave little bookworm with the odd name? Not particularly welcome at home, or anywhere else for that matter,mind reader of the great dead by default,come out,come out.Always alone,to this very day,star-told? That's correct. Sorry.But I have come back,
faithful to all of you-I’m not the same one, almost though. I have read more.A lot more.I am taller. I'm ugly. I’m tired. And if nobody sees me, I am not here,am I.And if no one is near,I'm unknown,
I'm alone,a mere bone of myself,my own ghost.And I am walking again, very slowly,as though underwater,andtaking much care,as when assigned to help the blind kid find his classroom. Evidently we are still searching,poor body,just look what's become of you. Wandering forever up and down the rows of dusty volumes,glancing left and right,a certain title escaping us,one which we seek as if it were the yellow-lit window we long to see,that place where we are not expected, a light snow beginning,not now,and not ever.
The older Kierkegaard has entered his front door and is creakilyattempting to lock himself in when it comes over him all at once,one last great wave of gloomy illumination: what if God’s greatest blessing is to render a person's existence so intolerable,so completely unendurable that the next time he happens to grope for the familiar fear of dying, he discovers it is gone,is nowhere to be found,
has in fact been replaced by a simple weightless sense of well-being and peace he had long forgotten he was capable of feeling.