
作者: 董继平 译

理查德·加西亚(Richard Garcia.1941-),美国诗人,生于旧金山,少年时代开始写作,曾在沃伦·威尔森学院攻读文学创作,后来在多所大学执教,主持诗歌创作班。他先后出版多部诗集,主要有《飞翔的加西亚》(1991)、《恶名的大牧场》(2001)、《物体的坚持》(2006)、《笨瓜》(2009)、《另一种奥德赛》(2014)、《椅子》(2014)等。曾经获得过多种美国诗歌奖。他的有些作品就像脱口秀,内容诙谐,谈天说地,有时甚至穿越时空,而有些作品则像是童话,充满纯真,曾经深得墨西哥大诗人奥克塔维奥·帕斯的赞赏。




The trees here are made of glass,and they are alive. Actually,there is only one tree.It rises out of the lake,a huge scarlet and yellow tower.It feeds on air and plastic cushions that float in the water.When we arrived I was alone.How is that possible? I must have,in our haste to pack,driven off without you. I can picture you standing in the driveway in the predawn light,surprised,or perhaps amused, as the tail-lights of our car recede in the dark. Did you turn and go back to your puzzle? Tomorrow I will try fishing.They say the fish here are also made of glass. The only bait that works on them is tiny, triangular mirrors, each with a number or letter etched into its surface. Figuring out which number or letter is effective at which hour can be a challenge. But locals say that a small #1,trolled on the surface so it creates a V, always works for a few brief but frantic moments, one hour after sunset.




A scroll on the Doppler effect written by one Dionysus of Thebes.A hook,that when opened,

became a kite; It is said that the kite was always the same color as the sky it was flown in. A book that predicted the future. They say it ended with the year 2010. Lost. All lost in the library fire. The tour guide says he stayed up all night reading my poems to his wife. The gum he is chewing does not mask the ouzo on his breath. A former slave,

his adopted name is Free Man Ray. There was even a book on the history of the wave that toppled the colossus at Rhodes. Wandering though the nuns without you I wish you were here and that we were strangers. I like the picture on the front,

do you? The splayed book,

the three roofing nails pinning the pages back,

the flames.




I was leading the poetry workshop that was famous for being like the French Revolution happening in reverse. My wit flowed like a child riding a tricycle in the calm eye of a hurricane. But the students stared at me,as if I were a slow motion film of a murder-suicide.The light and shadows of an entire week of Venetian blinds dragged its prison bars across my face. All weapons and cash on the table,declared. Soon the poetry workshop looked like a mobsten' poker game in the back room of a casino. We brought out the Havanas. Then we became poker playing dogs. I was a collie. Most of the students were mutts, one,Jock,had one ear up and one down. But Basil,a poet in the epic mode,

was a borzoi. He wore a monocle. We decided to pose for a photo in a tableau of famous poets. As a collie,and leader of the Poker-Playing Dog PoeUy Workshop,

I got to be Walt Whitman. Mo,a pug-faced chihuahua-bulldog mix,was Emily Dickinson.




The beach is naked. No sand. No pebbles. No shale. No stones.The waves, as if they were ashamed, roll up to it tentatively, and just before they reach the shore, they turn back. Above, seeming to hang in the wind like mobiles, the skeletons of three gulls. It is said that if you should fall asleep on this beach you' d wake up in your dream and stay there.

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