
作者: 董继平















They are coming from the concert,hurrying,laughing,joking, stimulated by the cold night, beneath the autumn leaves which the electric street lamps magically illuminate with sharp gold,beneath the liquid green stars (higher up)——black,

shut in,black, black……

“How divine Mendelssohn is, isn't he?I don’t care what you say! Now that's music!”

And the one who says this whistles in romantic extravagance as if wholly penetrated by a celestial elixir, his big, white, round face full of the great shadow.

“Then what about Schubert?” (sings another voice,turmng to the one before, pressing close to his lapels so that the two faces look up at the sky together),“Ah Schubert, my own Schubert!”

And his eyes roll up to the sky.

They all run silently now,drunk with an antiquated sentimentalism of waltzes and barcaroles,with their pure music, they are a tame herd of sheep not allowed to go free, this is the elegance,the delicacy (here the vulgar word makes one weep) of their poor souls, like those of sequestered women.

Suddenly in their impetuous and drunken career the ones in frontrealize that they are not followed by other familiar footsteps.


And they begin to look here and there, still raising their eyes……Paco doesn't answer. Cold,dark silence.

Then they all huddle together in a melancholy way and stand still, their heads hanging,their blind eyes now on the ground,afraid of getting lost, like lambs, black, black, black.






(因此也许好一个传奇 ) 。


In light or in shade,the background scarcely seen, (this golden dark, this cold clarity) these human hands at work, the right hand which undertakes everything,the left which assists it,understanding it, giving the light touch which completes,these hands are the most clearly deciphered key to him who contemplates his own destiny (and the other destiny which is the other and more his own).

Working hands which obey instinct and intelligence,free of a pervasive consciousness which oversees them,to which they are like daughters of a god and the active part, but which they never see because they are closed.(And sometimes, how often, they obey the thoughts and emotions of others,creating with their already invisible image,the unattainable.)

Friend, always look at working hands.Look at these familiar feminine hands,the right aided by the left (so small, all soul and steel) ,look at the sensitive hand,the thoughtful hand.See how they grasp and let go,how they fold themselves and turn,how they caress, how they reach up,how bravely they attack, how gently!And then see them with a book,beneath it yet so skilfully placed,peacefully accompanying the reading matter.

(The right hand which I squeeze, a left that I kiss.) Think,friend……of dead hands,at rest but no longer hands,with their history beneath them,too, like a breast grown cold! And what a history(and perhaps what a legend, then) the stillness of certain hands, one day,of these hands.

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