作者: 董继平 译狮鬃之光
If I had a candle I would bite it in half, avid with spite and angry greed. Why is it that candles give no light unless they are wrapped in oak-leaves that have been pressed between the pages of books illuminated by ancient monks? I hate to see them melting away like that, losing first their heads and then their tails, and balancing what remains of them as a fishmonger balances his wares on top of a pile of wicker baskets. It would be better to send for a pound of butter on a chafing-dish. Butter is far better, for it does not bite the tongue.
The violet light thrown by the lamp strapped on to the miner's forehead falls gently on to the surface of a subterranean river. Eagleshave made their nests along the banks, and the fosilized claws of the neolithic tiger are to be found in the rusty sand of the river's bed. I often sleep there, and when I wake up it always seems as though a procession of foreign tourists had passed by that way during the night, gesticulating with their arms and making lengthy speeches at every turn of the twilit tunnel. I should never have been able to explain to them why the tattered curtains are alive with toads, or why the spectacular staircase is in ruins. It is a long time since I spat into so deep a hole; I have never seen such pilgrims, with their bells, their books, their baskets. . .
But let us pause to consider the cause of the disturbance that is taking place at the far end of this corridor. The waves have thrown up the remains of a small vessel on to the sanded floor and among the shattered casks and the crumbs of the ship's biscuits one can see a dissevered head that is trying to speak to the assembled multitude.The muscular effort made by its jaw is equal to ten times the strength of a derrick trying to break away from the crane to which it is tethered. It is covered with sunspots and will undoubtedly burst into flame at the end of a quarter of an hour or so. Lay your hand on the massive forehead and you will feel the gradual movement of the birds that are imprisoned underneath. Each bird carries a leather glove in its beak, and the fingers of each glove are packed with gunpowder. The final explosion has been timed to coincide with the demolition of the plaster-of-paris monument that has been set up in the middle of the park to commemorate the victims of a savage watchdog who wrought great ravages in these parts towards the end of the nineteenth century.
Heads such as these do not speak as clearly as the heads of missionaries. Let us set up a temple for the Alpine nussion, and let us weave a great carpet at the foot of every mountain in the Alps, to express our penitence and our desire to make amends for the brokenglaciers and the training clouds of glory. Our whole childhood was spent in the shadow of these great heights, so is it not only right that we should decorate them now with dazzling garments stained with our own blood? I have often expressed a desire to lie down on the floor of a cave, and it seems that my wish is at last about to be granted. Have I put on my head-dress straight?
Looming out of the doomy shadows of the further chamber there comes a great catafalque drawn by a pair of milk-white does and decked with plumes of lilies and clustering branches of tiger-lilies that look like sword-lilies. It has almost the appearance of a November bonfire set alight in the public square because of a plot that failed.The lights are turned on one by one, the leaves of the candelabrumtrees are shining like buttered gold, the foam of the Gulf Stream gitters like corn in the sun, and the whole effect is one of heat,drums and fireworks. The monster Egg that forms the centrepiece of these celebrations now bursts open, and a living Archangel leaps out.Nine months ago she was but an atom whirling through the wastes of outer space, and now her robe is bright with sweat and all eyes are turned towards her. She blows one blast on her vast brass trumpet shaped like an oar, and the whole brilliant pageant falls to dust.
But who has tied a bandage round my eyes so that I can no longer see what is happening? A bandage saturated with the scent of crushed laurel-leaves, which is used by butterfly-hunters. I have the sensation of being driven away in a rickshaw, I could swear that I heard footsteps behind me, the wheels of the conveyance bump loudly down the stairs. Clusters of sharp little shells are growing beneath my eyelids, ants'eggs to throw to the fishes, chrysalises lying quietly in the dust beneath the feet of the marching tyrants,who will all fall down with fatigue in the end, and bury their arrogant faces in the mire.